Once we enable (remote) AUTH, everything redirects. That's great (as intended), but...
How do we get back in as SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR. Is there a way? (again, not Company Administrator, but System Administrator)
In promptchat, authorization from two systems cannot be done at the same time
If you need to disable external authorization and return to promptchat authorization, then you need to delete the configuration file from the project and set a new password for the system administrator.
This can be used if, for example, the external authorization data was entered incorrectly and the external authorization was not connected correctly.
First, a system administrator account is created on the instant chat.
Then, other user accounts are created.
If external authorization is connected, all accounts are overwritten with data that came from an external site.
The account in whose data the "user.role.id = 1" becomes the system administrator.
There can be several such system administrators and they are authorized from an external site.