Detailed Instructions here: View in Knowledgebase
1st: Open GitBash
Open Git Bash and clone Promptchat (without the $ symbol) - paste this into GitBash:
git clone promptchat
Then, Paste this into GitBash to get into the Promptchat folder
cd promptchat/
and then
cp variables.env.example variables.env
and then
nano variables.env
You will get the default:
If you want the system on Localhost, you don't need to do anything
If however you want the system to be accessible to the public on a webpage, change the APP_URL value to for example
After you changed the APP URL, press Enter and then Exit GitBash.
You can exit by pressing Ctrl + X on your keyboard. (Confirm with Y when prompted)
Leave the filename as it is and Press Enter.
Exit GitBash.
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the 'promptchat' folder to run the runwin batch file:

IMPORTANT: Docker Desktop has to be running on the workstation when executing runwin