Version: 3.0.3 includes:
PROMPTCHAT-1011 "Calendars" is now a main menu item
PROMPTCHAT-1013 Ctrl+F - Search is now working in the chatbot builder
PROMPTCHAT-987 Notification Email address setting available per each department
PROMPTCHAT-1018 There is now a warning page to verify the email address for new account registrants
PROMPTCHAT-950 New Setting for Trigger words. Apart from just exact match we now have "contain"
Download this template to see:
PROMPTCHAT-695 Chatbot usage - "Manual mode for Instant Messenger"

PROMPTCHAT-942 New trigger for when bot users do not pick a menu item allows to automatically move to live chat mode after 2 tries (or any other action as per flowbuild)

PROMPTCHAT-1015 Accumulated Total of Statistics figures available on the Statistics page