WhatsApp Integration
- Create chatbot(s) for your WhatsApp number in a minute
- Share one WhatsApp number amongst your team members
- Broadcast WhatsApp messages one by one or send mass campaigns
- Drip campaigns
- Send updates, alerts and notifications via WhatsApp
You can start testing your Promptchat built WhatsApp chatbot immediately with an SMSchat.org account. There is a free plan available.

● Register a free SMSchat.org account.
● Verify your email address (Use the same browser)
● Subscribe to a WhatsApp Gateway free trial plan
Add a phone as WhatsApp gateway
(Can be any Pay as you go SIM - no need for a contract with a Telecom operator)

Scan the QR code
You will see a QR code provided (similarly to how you would add your phone to web.whatsapp.com)

Take your phone, Open your WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business app, tap on Settings and Add a new Linked device
Once you scanned the provided QR code, you will see your SMSchat account connected as one of your linked devices.

Copy your token
- Once you linked your phone to your SMSchat account you can use it with your chatbot
- Copy the Token and go to the Integrations tab in your Promptchat account

Go to Integrations in your Promptchat account
Pick the SMSchat WA option

Select the chatbot flow you want to use for this number

Go back to your SMSchat account and copy/paste the Token from your SMSchat account in the next step

And that's all!
Keep the phone on the charger and you can use Promptchat's Instant Messenger, Campaigns and ChatBoard for the management of inbound/outbound messages using this number.
The connection is unlimited, you will just have to be careful not to use this integration for spamming as you will be blocked by Facebook if not careful.