Problem Description: We have identified that some clients are experiencing an issue where blank messages are displayed on the platform. Upon initial analysis, it appears that the contact settings are correct.
Example Documentation: For better understanding, images of specific cases have been selected. These are available in this document:
Other Reported Cases: Furthermore, additional cases related to empty messages have been identified. These are internal examples from our own experience.
Potential Cause: It has been observed that part of these issues may be attributed to temporary messages on clients' WhatsApp. However, requesting clients to disable this function is impractical.
In short, the problem stems from the platform identifying "everything" that occurs on WhatsApp, causing a blank message to appear whenever any internal WhatsApp notification happens. Additionally, as shown in the document, there are cases where a blank message appears on the platform even in the absence of internal notifications on the client's WhatsApp.
All reported chats can be located through the document.
The issue occurs across multiple accounts.
SMSChat connection reset, connection recreation, and integration recreation have already been performed.
We have noticed that when the contact is deleted from the platform, the problem is mitigated for a short period of time.