Lots of talk about ChatGPT's AI engine nowdays so here are some instructions how you can plug it into Promptchat and launch either Web or WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber & Telegram bots offering AI via ChatGPT.
Simply download this template and add it to your Promptchat account (as a template) and then create a new chatbot using the template.
You will need to enter your own OpenAI-ChatGPT API token in the API block as shown on the following screenshot and you are all set.
Open a ChatGPT-3 account and retrieve your API key

Open the chatbot template and enter your API key in the API block to the following location:

Once you have saved your chatbot, add the relevant integration channel and you are ready to launch it.
As an example, here is a WhatsApp chatbot with ChatGPT AI.
In order to try it; Go ahead and send a WhatsApp message to Kori : +44 7888 508145
Download link for the chatbot template as follows: