Ready for Server Upgrade via the Server admin area
New feature in roles:
Make departments’ conversations available to operators with the new “Pickup all clients” role.
When creating a role with: "pickup all clients" - All other departments’ conversations become available to any user with this role. (By default, operators have access only to their assigned departments' conversations. By the introduction of this new role, all conversations become available to administrators - and administrators can create a new role for operator level where access to all conversations will become available to operators with this role enabled.)
Another new custom role: As it was until now, every operator with access to a Promptchat account could export the Contact list to a csv and download it. We have introduced a limitation to this and introduced a new role for the management of this function. Administrators will still be able to download the Contact list however operator access does not include this function unless it was assigned to the operator role.
Contact Management.
- Delete multiple clients
- Block multiple clients
- Unblock multiple clients
- Add tag for multiple clients
- Add / change department for multiple clients
- Add an additional filter to the "Tags" column of the contacts table. Until now the filter worked in such a way that it selects contacts that have all the selected tags. With this upgrade users will have the option to Add a filter that selects contacts which have at least one of the selected tags. Added a checkbox to "include at least one" to switch between these filters
- Option to create/edit variables in THE CHATBOARD
Operators can now Add New and Edit variables in the Chatboard.
Until recently, this button instead of sending conversations to the All Conversations tab only sent the conversations to the queue. There was no option to send these open conversations back to the All Conversations tab, thus clearing the Queue tab altogether. We have now added a checkbox where operators can pick whether they want to send open conversations to the Queue or leave them altogether.